un·der·stand·ing (ndr-stndng) n.
1. The quality or condition of one who understands; comprehension.
2. The faculty by which one understands; intelligence. See Synonyms at reason.
3. Individual or specified judgment or outlook; opinion.
a. A compact implicit between two or more people or groups.
b. The matter implicit in such a compact.
5. A reconciliation of differences; a state of agreement: They finally reached an understanding.
6. A disposition to appreciate or share the feelings and thoughts of others; sympathy.
1. Characterized by or having comprehension, good sense, or discernment.
2. Compassionate; sympathetic
There comes a point in everyone's life when you ask yourself.....don't you understand me?!?
To say the word "frustration" is almost like an understatement, you think it's so easy, so simple....yet some people don't' get it, they just plain down right don't understand.
You want to start drawing pictures, or you start wishing for them to actually "know" your thoughts so you can rub it in to them "See how simple that was?!?" But no such luck....
So you're left with that feeling....the feeling of disappointment or anger, followed up by the last line of fine I don't give a shit...
I guess I just wish things were simple...people were simple, feelings were simple, relationships were simple.....not having to struggle with the thoughts and feelings of the daily conversation that doesn't have to be a battle, just has to be about the understanding that it is what it is....you get what you get, and the world will go on.