Thursday, May 27, 2010

I gotta be me....

Everything I'm not has made me everything I am.....

Think about it....everything that your not has made you everything that you are today....every mistake, every wrong turn, wrong answer, everything that you haven't had or have lived without has made you who you are has gotten you where you need to be.....

Everyone has it rough once in awhile....everyone goes through times that they believe will never get better....only you have control of the situation....only you have the power......

Your heart can burn because it hurts, has that gut wrenching feeling that makes your eyes well up instantly with tears....feels like nothing is worth a damn, that you have given everything and can't fix the broken....making you wonder do you always have to fix the broken?

Time can be your enemy and your friend.....right now it's both to me.....weird to say or think, but it is....I'm buying time, trying to make up time....trying to find out which yellow brick road to go down.....which one will lead me to the great oz....

Life is too damn is too short not to laugh everyday, not to be kissed good morning or good is too short not to know that you are in the right place....

Which brings me back to..... "Everything I'm not has made me everything I am"

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Prove It.....

So I have a friend…and this friend has a way with words….really not….just has two words that are repeated over and over to me “Prove it”

I know why this is being said to me….I understand the concept….just hard to know what to do….I’ve realized that I say the two words “I know” just as much as they say “prove it”… infamous words…”I know”….

I was thinking a lot this weekend…I wonder what it will take, I wonder what it will have to feel like…for me to get it…so far, nothing has made me “get it
I’m losing friends, I’m losing family….do I blame them, no I don’t….I found and have another quote in front of me… “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option” ….I love that quote…love it…it’s me…it’s completely me…and I’m allowing it to be me…why I have no clue…why should I be an option…why shouldn't I be someone’s “one” …their priority….the one that they want to be with, hands down, no questions asked no strings attached…no worries….just simple

I was given an assignment to list 5 positive things about me….not about anything else…about me….which makes a person really think, but when I started I couldn’t think of 5…and now I can’t stop thinking of positive things about me….not to sound cocky, but I do have a lot of good things….and I like it, I love to think that I’ve got a lot to offer…..

So now what to do…like my wise friend keeps telling me….I have to prove it…..

Friday, May 21, 2010

Rewind or Fast Forward

I've been wondering lately if given the chance would I want to rewind time or fast forward.....

Deep question for my simple little mind...but really what would I really want to happen...would I want to go back in time change/fix/re-do some of my mistakes....but then I have done some pretty damn good would I want those to be re-done? And then there's the fast forward....really do I want to speed up this point, right now in this moment yes I do...not a lot of time...but I would love to go ahead a month....just to see...see if what's going on in my life right now is the "right" thing going on in my life right now....I know it so all makes sense doesn't it?!?

I read a quote yesterday and I now have it directly in front of me...."Never expect, never assume, never ask, never demand. Just let it be. Because if it's meant to be, it will happen the way you want things to be"

So then really there is no reason to rewind or fast forward is there?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Don't want to be....

I know that this blog was created for absolutely no purpose other than for me to vent...ramble...get things off of my chest....but reading back...I see how I'm just going in circles...I'm not progressing...some days I may feel like I am...I may write that I am....but I'm not.....

I wish I didn't feel this way.....really I don't....

This morning I was texting someone and they said to me "why do you always have to have drama or be fighting?" and it hit me hard....especially after a god awful then I think....really? Am I the I the one.....

I don't feel like I'm drama....because frankly I just want to be happy, that's all I want....I would be just fine being left alone by the rest of the world, just so I could be happy.

Right now I'm just so sucked into this world of hurt and frustration, that I can't even think mind is like mush, and my thoughts are all over the place....focus and concentration are work...nothing comes easy to me....

So what to do....I need to re-find me, I need to re-find happiness....I need to move on....something that I keep saying that I'm going to do and I haven't.....I can't let go and I need sucks when your heart won't let heart will not let go.....