Yes, the title is true...it's sunny outside, the weather is beautiful and yet i have this crabby tug going on....it all started two days ago....
September 1st.....woke up loving the month....embraced it, looked good, did my hair....got little man ready, it was a good morning.....so far......brought little man to daycare, running late....very late, dropped him off and zoomed to work...well on the way to work Mr. Police Officer thought that he would pull me over and remind me that going 51 in a 40 is not safe....thanks jack-ass, and even better after the $150 ticket, he told me he knocked it down not to effect my insurance...i glance down at the ticket....50 in a 40....thanks jack-ass......so I'm pissed at the month of September at this point, not thinking I should have been watching my speed...just easier to blame something else......
get to work, glance at my bank account and realize that my kid's fabulous picture place decided to take out my payment twice....thanks jack-asses once again!!! Because yes please - I'm made of money.....September
I had a presentation to give...a power point presentation for a CEO....it would have been great if I could have found that power point......September
It was a snowball of events....it didn't just stop there and that all happened before 9:30....yeah, you read it right....9:30.....sweetness....frick'n September.....
So now today...before my weekend I'm determined to stop my hatred for September.....I need to knock the shit off and take off the crabby pants and say fuck it....I woke up today, my kids are good...enjoy the frick'n sun lady and get over your shitty shitty attitude....
Cheers for the weekend....here's to losing the crabby pants....