I know...I know....I am a horrible blogger....to my small crowd of readers, I apologize......
There has been many times that I have gone here to jibber jabber my random thoughts of chaos....to type away when I have had some tears....to share a smile or two that have come across my face.....but I haven't.....I have been a ghost lately when it comes to this site.....
I think for the simplicity of it all, I have just wanted to disappear....I would still love to disappear, to have a vacation from it all....but then what? Just not face adulthood?? Not face my problems??? Doesn't work that way missy.....you have to put on your big girl panties and suck it up and move on...think forward and work on your problems, mistakes, and relationships.....
I will say for the record that I have become a shitty friend....and I apologize to my friends....I really haven't been that great....and I promise to you all that I will work on my ways.....sometimes I find solitude the best remedy for me and I forget that I'm not the only one in the picture, that my friends deserve answers....they deserve call backs....they deserve that response of an email or text....again, sorry amigos....I will not be an ass anymore....
We are now into 2011....last January I started this wonderful, bubbly (sarcasm) blog....before the fall of Rome (that's what I call it)
It's a new year....and I'm welcoming it....thinking positive, thinking I'm grateful.....thinking I need to relax more, care less of little things that don't' need to consume my thoughts and days.....worry about the ones that love me and that I love, and the rest will fall into place.....
The past is the past.....and for that - AMEN - but even with saying that.....it may be gone, but it's still not forgotten.....