Well happy Friday ya'll....it's hot, humid and very uncomfortable, did I also mention it's 7:12 in the morning...oh and that it's hot?
Besides the fact that it's summer finally, can I get an amen, it has now turned from blessed cool temps with rain to the inferno heat that takes your breath away when you enter the wonderful outdoors..but I'll take it...it means that seasons are once again changing and before you know it I'll be bitching that it's cold....
SO...to get on my happy pants for once (I truly am a happy person...I really am...I'm fun times even tho this blog does make me seem to be a huge depressed debbie downer) I wanted to go through my likes and loves....
1. my kids...duh...that's an easy one for the simple fact that they are nothing short of amazing and God bless the best kids in the world....even when they whine, fight, want my money or even don't listen to simple instructions...I thank God everyday for those wonderful creatures....and the best feature is they are now self-serve for food and watering....
2. Soda...I love my diet coke or coke zero....kinda addicted to it....i keep saying I'm going to quit....I should quit ....
3. McDonalds fries...oh how I love thee....super size those bastards please....end of story
4. Reese's Peanut Butter Cup Blizzards....really do I have to explain why I love this wonderful concoction?
5. Breakfast...I really really love breakfast....like really...all of it...wait I take that back, I'm really not a sausage girl...so please if you are going to be making me breakfast in bed or breakfast at all for that matter hold the sausage....
6. Sleeping in or sleeping period with the rain....nothing is more relaxing than going to bed with rain tapping on the window or the roof....love it...
7. Watching the stars....give me a blanket and a great summers night and I'm a happy girl...
8. Ms. pacman...I rule...period....
9. Camping...anytime you can go days without showering and consider it the norm you really can't go wrong...eating cheeseburgers for breakfast, dinner and supper...beer is the staple beverage for breakfast, dinner and supper....that's a good time....
10. My friends and family...they are the bomb...my sister....oooooh my sister...that women has listened to me ramble, rant, cry, sob, scream...you name it...and told me how I'm this amazing person every time I feel like I'm nothing and I'm at my weakest point, she has worried over me more than a sister ever should...I have a cousin who is the most amazing friend I could ever have....I pretty much have him as my brother....we don't need to talk everyday..hell we can go months without talking, but he's always there, he's always been there and I'm blessed to have him....my parents, where to start...we haven't always gotten along who doesn't at times but they are there through thick and thin...every disappointment, every tear, every laugh...they are there....and my friends...I really don't have a lot of "close" friends anymore...which stinks since i used to have a lot...I've kinda secluded myself away from the world, but the true friends I know that I still have, I know I can ask them for anything and they would be there in a heartbeat....
so see...I'm not all gloom and doom...here's to a great weekend....