Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Things I Remember.....

I remember preschool....calling my teacher mrs. coffepot because her last name was maxwell and to me that was funny or made sense....our treasure box that I would sneak toys out of (only once or twice)..... standing behind the wall and comparing under shirts with my friend Wade.....and Ben, who at that point was the love of my life, leaving..moving...it was devastating to a 5 year old.....

I remember playing at recess during elementary and being so carefree...building "houses" by scraping the rocks and sand from the ground to have walls/rooms and to see who had the best house and then cry when the older kids ruined it by running through or other grades taking over my prized possession.....

I remember playing twister on the swings....over and over running out after lunch as fast as you could to get the "right" side of the swing set with the "perfect" swings....and always having Teresa being the one to go around since she was the heaviest and that way you could fly super high (sorry Teresa)

I remember bloody noses at school and mom having to come to bring me new shirts

I remember my aunt being the school nurse and not getting away with any fake illness

I remember the psycho that I had to deal with from 4th grade to 7th grade....the numerous plots to push my in front of a truck at recess to taking the knife to carve pumpkins and chase me....thank you Kim for all the numerous counseling sessions and indoor recesses....they were solid...nooooootttttttt

I remember playing with my brother....always playing with him....dressing him up as a girl....making him drink odd drinks....torturing him....good times....

I remember making forts in the grove....either with fallen trees or the old sheds....I would stay out for hours playing by myself....I loved pretending, imagining my world out there.....

I remember getting chased up the tree by our dumb black cow and being stuck there for hours....

I remember going to farm auctions, animal auctions with my dad and not understanding what the hell we were doing.....

I remember my dad buying us kids all bottle lambs....mine was LB (lovable baby) my brothers was Nigger Lips (seriously not being racist he was 5) and my sisters was Blondie....

I remember going to the 80 all the time....our name for our old house that was on 80 acres of land....first there was a house, a garage and sheds....then one by one there was nothing.....and it was here that I stepped out of the corn crib and stepped right into a huge pile of rotten beans...I was forced to ride in the back of the pick-up because of how horrid I smelled....I never knew they smelled that horrible....

I remember babysitters that would take us fun places.....

I remember babysitters that I wished would go places far far away and never babysit again....

I remember fighting with my sister....always....

I remember always having to do chores....

I remember having to ride the bus and hate it....but loved it when cute Craig rode the bus....

I remember the exotic chickens that my dad bought and wondered why do we want more chickens to raise when we have to gather eggs for 8,000 chickens that we already have......

I remember butchering chickens....seriously what child needs that as a trait....a farm kid that's who.....

I remember go carts, riding beans, lazy summer afternoons, playing with cousins, swimming at lakes, fishing with my dad and grandpa, and baking with my mom.....

I remember how simple things were.....

I remember how much I took for granted and do take for granted.....

Monday, December 5, 2011

Who are ya baby....

Yes winter is here and I can seriously, honestly say.....I hate winter......

Yes if you are that superwomen/man and embrace all seasons you could look forward to pulling out the sleds and taking the kiddos down the hills...building snowmen, making the glorious snow angels in your front yard....but I'm going to be honest.....I hate winter.....i hate having to get all bundled up to just go outside....and guaranteed if I don't have to piss within the first 10 minutes of being locked into my snow pants, three pairs of pants, thermal underwear and some over sized parka that is zipped closed with a mile long scarf wrapped 10 times around my neck...I am the one who finds some sort of water/wet spot/or the one ray of sunshine that will soak all of my garments.....it's nice....and fun...

I do like snow days...love them...and I'm not being sarcastic about this one....who doesn't love getting locked away, and knowing you have the excuse that you don't have to do anything....that I love....but for some reason the storm sets in on Friday night and by Sunday night it's all clear and you are free to carry on life as usual on Monday.....really we need to work on this.....I'm all for Monday night storms and all clear by lets say Thursday'ish....one day work week for the all the extra shoveling/scraping/thawing seems practical to me....let's make it happen this season....

I went to a fabulous seminar on Friday....it really was a great seminar, for what I was suppose to be there for took a whole new swing when the speaker spoke of areas that I never really took to heart, or I hear and think of but I never take action on.....goals, expectations....all that deep stuff....I'm all about it....I'm a starter but not a finisher and for once I'd like to actually be held accountable and finish it all....make a goal, or say what I mean/want and actually go all the way....not be that procrastinator that I know and love...but to have a goal, work for it and do it....Nike would love me for all the energy and aspirations that I have right now....

I don't know about anyone else but i have found that I mold myself to something I'm not...I'm a pleaser....I eat things I don't want....i speak up when it's nothing at all but when i want something I go mute.....I want to get along with people, but then I bitch, moan and complain that I give in when in all reality it's my fault.....i don't have to be every ones pleaser....I can eat Chinese if I'm hungry for Chinese.....

I'm not going to announce any drastic statements....I'm just on a mission to figure myself....so I don't have to ask....who are ya baby.....