Yes my friends this is a word....it is in the world and realm between confusion and frustration....also know as confrustion.....
Have you ever wanted to take back steps, actions, days, times.....anything....just take it back and start it over again....or wonder if you knew what was lying ahead that you dare not venture off the beaten path or you change the course in which you were going.....
Do you wonder that if you were given the chance would you do this or would you just not want to know....
I wonder many days and think too much....i think we all can agree on this....i worry or misplace sometimes what I should really be worrying about or what I should really be caring about....
I think this has a lot to do with unhappiness...
Oddly i don't believe I'm a unhappy person....
I think on different levels I am happy....it's just trying to get that whole feeling....like waiting for the stars, moon and sun to align perfectly or whatever that comet to happen right in front of me....
Silly i know....
I just want to let it all out and get a new fresh book....a new fresh life...but not to start over to start now.....I want my little minions in this mixture so I can't go back too far....
I'm just confused....
I'm just frustrated....
Hence confrustion....