I've come to a conclusion....not an easy one, but none the less a conclusion.....I need to suck it up.
I need to stop thinking about others....not like in a "oh I so don't care about you" way, but thinking about what others think of me, what others are doing, what others are saying about me....who cares? It's not helping me to worry about what others think about me, besides my family, why would or should I care? I've said this before and have failed on this mission.....I let others get into my head and I've fallen for their childish games and played right into what they wanted, making me look like the jealous ass in the end.....
My self-esteem has taken so many hits in the past, no excuse for why I've acted or reacted to situations....because as I have learned I can be my best friend or my worst enemy....it's my decision to let what is said or done affect me...good, bad, ugly....I have the choice
So today....Wednesday March 3rd....I'm announcing it.....I am choosing to be a Rockstar....I am done with petty, insecure feelings, not to say that i won't have the "urge" or the tug to want to know what others are doing or saying....but I'm choosing to take the high road, and live my life....Live MY life...no one elses. I have found me, and I like me....I'm nothing like what I was or where I was going, I'm better....I'm stronger.....because not to toot my own horn but this is what I know...I'm beautiful, I'm kind, I'm funny, I'm witty and I have so much to offer to the world......I'm no longer the fool, I'm no longer "that girl" I'm a ROCKSTAR.....
From a wise, wise friend....."Life is really short. You need to do whatever you need to do to be happy!”
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