I love my babies....really can't call them babies anymore....but as a mom, I have this selfishness of always having them being "mine", "little", and of course they need me....
It's amazing to me looking back how all I wanted was time to hurry up...I wanted to hurry up and be 14 so I could drive my damn moped....then I wanted to hurry up and turn 16 so I could drive a car....then it was off to hurrying up so I could be done with school....all I wanted was time to go fast....and my wise parents kept telling me not to wish the time away...what did they know I thought...they were old and crazy to me at that time....and now I look at my "babies" and I know exactly how they felt....as I watch and hear my kiddo's wish they were older, wish they were driving...wishing the time away....
Time is our best friend and our worst enemy it feels like at moments...you either don't have enough of it or you have too much...
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