I love fall....i love the coolness in the mornings, sleeping with the windows open, the smell of the air and the sport of my heart......football.....
I love fall....i love knowing that my summer of mowing the lawn is done, my electric bill from running the air is over and the instant sweat starting from the minute i open the door till i get back into the air conditioning has come to an end.....
I love fall.....i love the colors of the leaves, the natural beauty of the scenery....no need for any boughten product to make any changes....its priceless what mother nature can do.....
I love fall....the apple orchard trips, the pumpkin patches, the anticipation of the upcoming holidays, and the preparation for winter......
it's amazing though to me...as fast as fall came, how fast it will go....in a blink I'll be cussing about the snow, the ice and the dreaded 20 minutes it takes me to just leave the house....
Take a breath, take a moment....we all forget to, we all need to be reminded....life is a gift - smile, shut-up and love like there is no tomorrow....
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