I'd have to agree with the phrase "the hardest part is letting go"...I've been there, and the hardest part of anything in life is letting go...you want to hold on to everything....
when you're a parent you want to hold onto your children, you don't want to see them fail, you don't want to see them hurt, you want to guard them and protect them from everything...then you realize that you have to let them go....
when you have a partner whether you are married or have been in a relationship and you come to the crossroads of having to decide what is best for you, when the passion is gone, the fights are constant and the hurt is a burn....you have to decide if the love that you have is pure and for the right intentions anymore....if what you are feeling makes sense, if you are holding on for the right reasons or if you are just scared of the loneliness or the what ifs....when you come to that moment, and not matter how much it hurts......you realize that you have to let them go....
I think the best way to say it is...
in the end these things matter most
How well did you love?
How fully did you live?
How deeply did you let go?
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