When one has decisions to make in their life, you rely on advice....you rely on others to help you out....
Now let's just say you have some outspoken folks, some quiet folks and some folks who don't know what the fuck they are telling you....they just want to splurt whatever is on their mind and don't care about feelings or even if it's making sense.....
I understand peoples points.....
I understand peoples outlooks....
What I don't understand is how on God's green earth someone can tell you "I know how you feel"
How can you know how I feel?
Yes I believe that some people have been in similar situations, and can CERTAINLY give their two cents, and they can "know" partial of the feelings, but I don't think anyone can say " I know how you feel"
Decisions in life can be simple....
Ketchup or mustard...maybe both...or do you go mayo
Salt or pepper
Blue or green
Hot or Cold....
Can go on and on.....
Some decisions in life are not this simple....
Some hurt...
Some make it all better....
Some are temporary
And some are permanent....
When you have someone in your life and you love them...it's a tough thing this love....
Love changes....
Love doesn't always feel like love...
Some people love different than others....and you wonder why or how....
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