Monday, April 7, 2014

you never know....

So the sun has been shining today....which can I get an amen??? it's amazing when you can actually see something other than dark clouds and gloomy skies....

Call me crazy...I know I know, most of you prolly already do ; ) but weather helps a person....

Situations help a person....

Time helps a person....

What doesn't help is holding on....

It's like the saying of holding on to anger is like holding on to hot coal - you only hurt your self....I look at it like it's not just's all types of emotions that you may have....

No one knows how long, or what is in store for them....

Plans, promises, days....they all change....

there is no rule book....

There is no directions....

There is you...

There is your heart....

There is your brain....

Options are endless on how you move thru your day, how you treat the pain you feel or how you move on with options in your life...

You have I have struggled, I don't and seldom feel like I do....

I'm careless and reckless...
I am either completely in or I am no where near ready...

I miss a lot of things....
I miss a lot of simply things....
I miss so much that my heart sometimes feels like it's going to burst...
I miss so much that I don't even realize that I have cried during the night until I feel the soaked pillow in the morning....

The clock is ticking...
Just let it be....

Because one thing is certain....

You never know

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