Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Been Awhile....

So what can I say...i'm inconsistent in more ways than one....I haven't been too solid at pouring out my depressing oh so sad life lately...i've taken a break from the doom and gloom....

It's 2013...it's a new year and I've made some goals for myself....my biggest goal is to lose some weight...my fat ass needs to shed more than a pound or two...more like 42 pounds....I would love that....that needs to happen before my bday...that is that short time goal...

Long term goals for 2013...two major ones - first and foremost would be happiness...I will get and be happy with myself and my life....the other major goal is to start saving money...I need to save and have/get a budget...that has to happen...for sizzle...

Changes on the personal side are going on...I will update when things are more solid...that's just a chuckle to even right that..solid...

Maybe since I wrote my goals down now I will feel a sense of some sort of commitment towards them...we will soon see!!!