Sunday, February 8, 2015

you go girl....

so here

funny how life is so unpredictable...but yet amazings...

lots of changes...

New job, kids growing up, moved a couple times and have moved on from my broken heart...

What was that?!???

yeah, I have closed the chapter, I have started to move on from my broken heart....

Doesn't mean it still doesn't hurt

Doesn't mean I still don't miss the asshole...

What it does mean is I have now stopped thinking or wanting that...

Which folks is huge...

Now if I can ever get time in my social life....that would be awesome...

But for now...

You go girl...


There is nothing really to say.....its a new year and yes I said this before, but yes it's a different year.

I've finally changed.

I've finally done it....

I'm finally me...

I am one....

And it feels amazing....